Sunday, September 29, 2024

Senator Schultheis' Nov 5th 2024 Voting Recommendations


Nov. 5th Voting Recommendations

Because of the huge left-wing bias in both the Colorado House and Senate, I urge you to consider voting for ALL Republican candidates in both House and Senate.  REPUBLICANS NEED MAJORITIES OR AT LEAST A LARGE ENOUGH MINORITY TO KEEP THE DEMOCRATS FROM RETAINING SUPER MAJORITIES, THAT WOULD KEEP THE REPUBLICANS FROM STOPPING ANY EGREGIOUS LAWS.

Candidate for President - Vote for: Donald Trump

Candidate for U.S. Senate - Vote for: Every Republican

Candidate for U.S. Congress - Vote for: Every Republican

Regent of University of Colorado -- Vote for: Every Republican

Candidates for Colorado House of Representatives - Vote for: Every Republican so that Democrats cannot achieve a Super Majority

Candidates for Colorado State Senate - Vote for Every Republican so Democrats cannot achieve a Super Majority

 El Paso County Commissioner:

CCDD3 Bill Wysong

CCD4  Cory Applegate

CU Board of Regents -- Eric Rinard 

Amendment 79: Right to Abortion and Health Insurance Coverage Initiative - Vote NO  " to oppose creating a right to abortion in the state constitution and oppose repealing a constitutional provision that bans the use of public funds for abortion.  For more information, Click here 

Amendment 80: School Choice. Affirm Parents' Rights.  Vote NO.  Don't be fooled! The wording of this Amendment is extremely miss-leading (on purpose?).  Please read this from the homeschool organization. "Giving a positive right to an education to a child is a Marxist idea and is antithetical to God's order."  It is just one more element of Marxism ideology that has been creeping into the public education system for decades. Read this., and this.

Proposition JJ: Retain Additional Sports Betting Tax Revenue Vote NO This is one more misleading tact to increase goverment funds.  

Proposition KK: Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Vote NO One more egregious attempt to undermine the 2nd Amendment by reducing our ability to purchase firearms.

Amendment G: Modify Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities  YES

Amendment H:  Judicial Discipline Procedures and Confidentiality  YES Read this

Amendment I: Constitutional Bail Exception for First Degree Murder   Vote YES

Amendment J: Repealing the Definition of Marriage in the Constitution  Vote NO

Amendment K:  Modify Constitutional ElectionDeadlines Vote NO

Proposition 127 Prohibit Bobcat, Lyx, and Mountain Lion Hunting  Vote NO.  Big cats provide valuable ecological contributions.    Read this.

Proposition 128: Parole Eligibility for Crimes of Violence  Vote YES! 

Proposition 129:Establishing Veterinary Professional Associates.  Vote NOThis bill, if passed, increases government reach into this profesion.

Proposition 130: Funding for Law Enforcement. Vote YES

Proposition 131: Establishing All-Candidate Primary and Ranked Choice Voting General Election. Read this. Vote NOOOOO. 

Vote NO on the following Judge suggestions. 
  • Monica Marquez:  Involved with liberal organizations, including LGBT
  • Gilbert Roman (Involved with Hispanic organzations which show race bias when judges should remain free of such biases
  • Stephanie Dunn (Chair of Denver Diversity Commitee), instead, focus should be on Unity of Principles
  • W. Eric Kuhn (Graduate Degree from liberal Colorado College)
  • Timothy Schutz (A "Champion" of race equality w/in the Justice system
YES for All other judges

2A  -- NO--Monument: To Increase Lodging Taxes.  A favorite source of additonal funds because it mainly comes from Colorado visitors instead of asking for funds from resisdents.
2C -- NO-- City of Colorado Springs: Although this Referred Measure state that "Without imposing any new tax..." it IS in fact a new tax. Too frequently the city places this issue on the ballot after roads are in dire need of repair rather than allocating and acknowledging this continuing expense in the city's budget.  Is this continuing underfunding road maintence done on purpose?  One must wonder.
2D -- YES -- Prohibit Retail Marijuana Establishments Within the City Limits.
4A -- NO -- Harrison School District 2. It's as if salaries are the ONLY avenue for finding excellent teachers, and ignoring the discouragemnt of those teachers due to the increasing number of subjects that run counter to our nation's founding principles and morals. Furthermore the request does not include specific needs.
4B -- NO -- Academy School District 20. School districts, like most others, MUST stop taking Federal Funds.  School Boards look at this "free" money with the requirement that they provide a only a small percentage of local taxpayer funds.  Easy money slowly erodes the finances of the citizens to use as they see fit. The reading/math/science scores are not even moderatly acceptable in most public schools.  Our nation is suffering as a result.  Finally, money from the federal government to the schools creates dependency, increasing reporting demands, and minimal accountability on how the funds are spent. Proverbs 22:7 suggests that debt can be a means of control, where the borrower is beholden to the lender and must conform to their demands.  
Question 300: NO -- Allowing recreational cannabis in Colorado Springs.  See here for a good review of the issues.  Colorado Springs City Council has, in the past, NOT allowed recreational cannabis to be sold in the city's limits.  This citizens Initiative is to reverse the City Council's stand.  Let's continue to support the Council's decision.